We completed our paper prototype, and in doing so, decided how we wanted our game mechanics to work. The 2D platformer game will have different levels that you navigate through, while evading enemies. There will be two types of enemies- local enemies to the time period that will reset you on just that level, and the overarching enemy of your owner Professor T who will catch you and end the game. In various spots on the platforms there will be powerups you can grab to help you out, such as super speed and traps to set.
This paper prototype was presented in class where we explained our game mechanics and the overall idea of the game.
From this paper prototype, we now move forward in the game development to start creating prototypes in Unity. Luc is beginning to work on getting the basic movement working, Gio is working on testing how the enemy AI programming will work, and Chance is working on level design. These will be the next steps for us, and will help us figure out what is going to be possible for us to make in Unity in the given amount of time of the class. Right now the biggest obstacle for us is the enemy AI script, because that is the most unknown piece that we need to figure out.
From the class presentation, people seemed to really like the idea of time travel and exploring different time periods. The concept of playing as the dog running away from the owner also was well received.